Tuesday, October 14, 2008

10 Weeks

Not much of a belly change from last week, although I think it may be slightly smaller this week. But that could be due to the fact that I was wearing the only pair of pants that actually fit today! It is rather nice to be able to button your pants and actually breathe at the same time.

On another note, the emotional part of pregnancy has definitely kicked in. I spent 40 minutes sobbing today because my math test wouldn't print correctly. I fixed the problem after 5 minutes, but it upset me so much I cried the rest of my planning period. And I don't mean I had tears trickling down my cheek. Oh no, this was a full fledged sob fest! My friend was in my room trying to comfort me and another one of my friends from across the hall came to my room and closed the door because I was crying so loudly. I could have probably cried for a few more hours over that printing mishap, but I had to pick up my kids. Ridiculous, I know!

Finally, the exciting news for the day--we heard the heartbeat! 140 bpm!!


Sadler Family said...

It's a boy! Well...I think so...all my friends at my school had girls and the first heartbeat was in the 160's...oh, what the heck...I don't know what I am talking about

The Stark Family said...

That is so funny you said that! Since the day I found out I was pregnant, I've had a feeling that it is a boy!!