Monday, October 5, 2009

6 Months Old

Genevieve, you're SIX months old!!!!
What are you up to these days?

  • You weigh 16 pounds and 12 ounces.
  • You are still wearing a size 3 diaper.
  • You wear 6-9 months clothes.
  • You are such a happy baby (except when you have an ear infection, or a cold, or are teething...)
  • You love to hear Mommy sing. We sing together on the way to daycare everyday. There have been a few days when you really get into singing and I can hardly hear myself. I love it!
  • You recently had your first weekend beach trip. Unfortunately, you experienced your first ear infection on that trip. Mommy and Daddy didn't know what to do, but luckily your Yaya, Aunt Cameron, and Aunt Addie came to the rescue (thank you!!). Yaya even spent the entire night holding and bouncing you. Thank you, Yaya!
  • You are a good eater. You love carrots, sweet peas, green beans, and sweet potatoes. Now that you've tasted "real" food, you refuse to eat rice cereal!
  • You are very stubborn when it comes to rolling over. You will roll all the way over onto your tummy, but you stop short of lifting your head and moving your shoulder. You are getting so close!
  • You just recently learned how to blow raspberries. Here is a video of the first time you realized you can blow raspberries. You have grown much more adroit with your newfound skill in the past week.

  • You amaze Mommy and Daddy everyday; we can't believe that six months have already gone by. We are so blessed to be your parents. We love you more than words can say!


Cameron said...

I laughed outloud at the video. Oh, to have a sweet 6 month old again. You and Ben need to drop her by and go out to Folly for a date so I can get my baby fix!

Sadler Family said...

I love all the new updates! She is absolutely adorable. I wish yall lived closer.

Sadler Family said...

I love the dress that G is wearing. Addison had it in yellow. Those bows are super cute...where did you get them?