Thursday, November 5, 2009

Seven Months Old

Genevieve, you're SEVEN months old!

What are you up to these days?
  • You weigh 17 pounds 12 ounces which is between the 50th and 75th percentile.
  • You are 26 1/2 inches long which is between the 50th and 75th percentile.
  • Your head is 17 inches around, which is between the 75th and 90th percentile. You definitely got that from your mommy!
  • You are still wearing a size 3 diaper.
  • You wear 6-9 months clothing.
  • You love to jump!
  • You can roll over both ways! Although, sometimes you forget exactly how you have to move your body in order to roll.
  • You can sit up! I told you one day that it was time for you to learn how to sit up and the next day, you did it. You follow directions so well. You love being able to sit up because it allows you to finally play with your feet.
  • You are very patient and laid back. Mommy and Daddy are very grateful for that, but it makes us a little scared to think how your future brother or sister will act. I hear it is almost impossible to have two easy babies in a row!
  • You love books. We lie next to each other and read every night before bed and you enjoy it so much. We usually read Goodnight Moon, but Daddy says we need to find a different book. It is a bit random, but it's a childhood classic so I think we'll keep it for a while.
  • You still love vegetables. Fruit--not so much! You are really not a fan of any type of fruit, but the other day I figured out that if I put a little bit of bananas on the spoon and then filled the spoon with peas, you would eat it. Weirdo!
  • You are such a happy baby. You have grown developmentally by leaps and bounds this past month. We love you very much!


Cameron said...

I miss her so much. I refuse to see her until I stop this cough. It better be before the 8 month check-up! That johnny jump up brought back memories...

Sadler Family said...

Thank you for finally updating your blog. She is growing up so fast. I was going to let you know that Addison is also still in size 3 diapers. Keep on buying them because they will last a long time. She is absolutely adorable and I hope to meet her one day.